Component From Tapes Listing
BASIC-16A OCR Source Object Single Page Multiple Pages
BASIC-MTHPAK OCR Source Object Single Page Multiple Pages
BASIC-PTLB Disassembly Source Object Single Page Multiple Pages
BASIC-INIT-A OCR Source Object Single Page Multiple Pages

Produces this SLST.

This almost matches a reference Honeywell release SLST tape, the only difference being one word at address '4666. The Honeywell tape has the value '154240 in this location, the tape produced by this source code has the value '154277.

This word is a "dummy" error code that is replaced by a question-mark followed by an unrecognized character encountered in an identifier. See the code starting at PV04.

Since the value produced by the BCI statement is replaced by that produced at run-time it is of no consequence that the value differs. However the value shown in the scanned listing is clearly '154277, so it is a bit of a mystery why the released tape has a different value.